
Corporate Sustainability

With integrity and responsibility, CHC utilizes its core competencies and resource to practice ESG works such as corporate governance, talent development, and community engagement while pursuing revenue and profit growth. In response to potential risks and opportunities arising from ESG-related factors, we continue to foster sustainable operations and corporate governance by implementing sound risk management practices and harnessing new opportunities. We also remain committed to creating value and driving positive change to meet stakeholder expectations.


Implement sustainable development

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Strategy, Objectives and Performance

Establish sustainable strategies and objectives

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Stakeholder Engagement

Build diverse and convenient communication channels

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ESG Committee

The ESG Committee serves as the highest governance body for sustainability affairs within the CHC Group. Led by the CEO of CHC, it includes the CEOs of the three major business entities and heads of functional departments. The committee comprises members with diverse cultural backgrounds, expertise, and experiences. Annually, it identifies risks and opportunities across the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) dimensions based on material principles. Quarterly meetings are held to discuss and formulate sustainability strategies, review short, medium, and long-term ESG plans and goals, assess annual implementation progress, and drive concrete actions for the sustainable development of the Group. The ESG Committee will report to the Board of Directors quarterly on the Group's ESG management affairs. In 2023, reports were scheduled for March 10, May 5, August 1, November 10, and December 15, covering updates on the latest sustainability regulatory trends and the Group's corresponding action plans.

ESG Committee Structure

Major Efforts of ESG Committee in 2023

The ESG Committee focuses on formulating sustainable development guidelines and promoting directions. Through enhancing the oversight and management mechanisms of subsidiaries, the Company continuously monitors the financial, operational, and ESG performance across various business areas within the Group. Additionally, we align our operational blueprint and development strategies with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), connecting international imperatives with our own actions to realize a vision of sustainable global practices.

The Company follows the GRI Universal Standards, utilizing four main procedures—”Contextual Analysis, Impact Identification, Significance Assessment, and Review Confirmation”—to identify material topics. These processes involve analyzing global sustainability trends, relevant domestic and international industries, and sustainability issues of high concern to stakeholders. We identify potential positive and negative impacts of these issues, assess the probability and extent of impacts through internal investigations, and filter them into an annual list of material topics. Confirmation and decisions are made by the ESG Committee.

The Company identified 18 sustainability issues and established 8 material sustainability topics in 2023. These topics serve as the basis for compiling and disclosing the sustainability report, aiming to comprehensively assess the effectiveness of the Group’s sustainable operational governance. The analysis results of the material topics in 2023 are as follows. For sustainability focus and material topic analysis , please refer to CHC’s Sustainability Report.

Sustainable Governance Results

CHC Group formulates ESG plans, integrates ESG considerations into daily operations and decision-making processes, and strives for sustainable practices such as corporate governance, environmental sustainability, talent cultivation, and social engagement, implementing CHC Group’s commitment to sustainable governance. The Group’s sustainable governance results in 2023 are as follows:

Governance Economy

  • The percentage of female members on the Board of Directors was 43%, which was much higher than the percentage of female directors of all public offering companies in Taiwan (16.79%)
  • In 2023, the signing rates of the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Questionnaire and Statement for directors, the Business Ethics Compliance Commitment Statement and Questionnaire for employees, as well as the business ethics statement and the conflict of interest questionnaire for newly contracted suppliers were all 100%
  • In 2023, 100% of the Group’s employees participated in the ethical management education and training
  • In 2023, the total training hours for human rights education reached 2,250 hours, representing a growth of 57% compared to the previous year. The total training hours for information security amounted to 3,818 hours, which is a growth of more than five times compared to the previous period
  • Obtained ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management System certification in 2023
  • CEC obtained ISO 19650-2 BIM International Standard verification in 2023
  • CDC participated in the “Public-Led Urban Regeneration Project of Taipei Daan District Xuefu Section,” aiming to develop low-carbon commercial office buildings
  • Successfully developed a water resources center operations management platform and an e-procurement management platform in 2023

Environmental Sustainability

  • CHC and Linhai Water Resource Center obtained ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse Gas Verification Statement through third-party verification
  • Linhai Water Resource Center obtained ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, and ISO 50001 Energy Management System certifications
  • In 2023, the Group’s energy-saving and carbon-reduction actions reduced a total of 1,046.86 metric tons of CO2e, a growth rate of 33%
  • In 2023, the Group’s biogas reuse reached 814,407 m3, representing a 19% increase compared to the previous year, equivalent to approximately 1,860,508 kWh of electricity
  • In 2023, the Group produced a total of 17,221GJ of renewable energy, with an approximate consumption of 17,013GJ
  • In 2023, the Group reduced a total of 5,363.77 tons of sludge, an annual growth rate of 54%
  • In 2023, the Group’s reclaimed water supply amounted to 34,917,270 metric tons, representing an increase of nearly 32% compared to the previous year

Social Inclusion

  • Throughout the different stages of the project, a total of 279 community activities were organized, with an investment of over NT$10.03 million and 10,320 hours of manpower, representing an increase of 52% and 27% respectively compared to the previous year
  • The Group held a total of 143 environmental education sessions in 2023, serving 4,308 participants, which represents a 136% increase compared to the previous year. Since 2019, the total number of participants served has reached 15,476
  • CEC has been awarded the Best Benchmark Enterprise in the 2023 “Leading Enterprise in Sustainable Health Workforce” by the Ministry of Labor
  • CEC has been awarded the “Workplace Sustainable Health and Safety” – Excellence Award at the 2023 New Taipei City Occupational Safety and Health Award
  • There were no major occupational accidents in 2023
  • In 2023, the reinstatement rate of employees with childcare leave without pay was 100%.
  • The training hours per person were approximately 9.9 hours for men and 12.13 hours for women in 2023. The allocation of learning resources showed no differences based on gender or job level
  • 84 internship positions were provided in 2023, representing a 35% increase compared to the previous year, with 45% of the interns being converted to full-time employees

Strategy, Objectives and Performance

Sustainable Development Strategy

CHC Group is committed to integrity and responsibility. While pursuing revenue and profit growth, the Group continues to review its development goals on environmental, social, and governance areas. Through the "focusing on material topics and promoting from top to bottom" action policy, the Group improves its risk management mechanism and specific evaluation indicators, and sets up the sustainable development action plan and promotion goals. By performing daily management, regular reviews of implementation results, and rolling corrections, the Group ensures to fulfill its corporate social commitments.

Stakeholder Engagement

2024 engagement activities are reported to the board on December 13th, 2024, with the following summary:

Shareholders/ Creditors/ Financial Institutions/ Investment Institutions


Sustainability Strategy, Corporate Governance, Financial Performance and Risk Management

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Convene general shareholder’s meeting annually
  • Publish annual report, sustainability report, and quarterly results report on schedule
  • Host quarterly online investor conferences and participate in invited corporate briefings on an irregular basis
  • Release monthly revenue result press and quarterly result press releases
  • Interact with investors through phone calls, emails, and/or meetings on an irregular basis
  • Participate in ESG performance evaluations conducted by domestic and international rating agencies


Ms. Jill Tung, VP

2024 Major Engagement Activities

  • Convened 1 AGM and 4 Investor Conferences
  • Published around 115 material information and nearly 25 press releases
  • Participated in 4 ESG performance evaluations



Labor Relations and Benefits, Workplace Safety, Career Development and Training

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Hold quarterly labor relation meetings to enhance employee-employer relations and protect labor rights
  • Establish diverse communication channels to provide employees with a transparent and effective internal communication system
  • Arrange occupational health and safety training and conduct construction sites inspections to promote workplace safety awareness
  • Implement comprehensive talent development plan; Introduce the iLearn online learning platform for learning without time and/or location restrictions
  • Conduct employee engagement survey annually and employee interviews on an as-needed basis


Ms. Louise Cheng, AVP

2024 Major Engagement Activities

  • Organize activities such as Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion(DEI) Month, Health Day, and team-building courses, as well as implement Employee Recognition Program and Employee Assistant Plan to maintain interaction and communication with employees across the Group
  • Continue enhancing the quality of learning resources by offering courses such as AI Digital Lecture, Generational Communication and Crisis Management, and launching digital learning newsletters to ensure training resources are tailored to support the growth of diverse employee groups and job requirements

Clients/ Consumers


Quality and Safety of Products and Services, Personal Information Protection, Marketing and Labeling

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Satisfaction survey and after-sales services
    • Conduct satisfaction survey for contracted clients
    • Conduct satisfaction survey for home-buying customers at key stages such as contract signing, handovers, and maintenance
  • Conduct house inspections and hold product/service seminars on an irregular basis
  • Present the project progress to clients through meetings


Mr. Hsiang Hsi Wang, AVP (CEC)

Ms. Judy Lee, AVP (CDC)

Ms. Annie Shih, Manager (HDEC)

2024 Major Engagement Activities

  • Completed satisfaction survey and interview for contractors, covering civil, building, M&E of Construction Engineering Business and projects of Environmental Project Development and Water Treatment Business
  • Completed satisfaction survey for home-buying customers, including projects for sale, handovers, and after-sales services this year

Suppliers/ Sub-Contractors


Supplier Evaluation Standard, Safe and Healthy Work Environment, Business Ethics and Integrity

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Hold regular educational training and advocacy events
  • Conduct site visits, phone interviews, and written communications on an as-needed basis
  • Hold seminars for suppliers on an as-needed basis


Mr. Robin Chien, AVP (CEC)

Ms. Lily Lin, AVP (HDEC)

2024 Major Engagement Activities

  • Completed annual supplier assessment evaluation
  • Held excellence supplier evaluation event
  • Held supplier conferences and actively engage in discussions with suppliers on topics such as occupational health and safety

Government Authorities


Workplace Safety, Regulatory Compliance, Product Risks

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • File petitions through associations for authorities’ consideration
  • Actively participate in authorities-hosted meetings and evaluations


Mr. Hsiang Hsi Wang, AVP (CEC)

Ms. Judy Lee, AVP (CDC)

Ms. Annie Shih, Manager (HDEC)

2024 Major Engagement Activities

  • Group member companies joined a total of 40 associations
  • Actively participated and exchanged opinions during authorities-held meetings



Major Business and/or Financial Updates

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Hold at least 1 press conference or media gatherings per year
  • Arrange media interviews and provide relevant information on an irregular basis


Mr. John Yeh, AVP

2024 Major Engagement Activities

  • 121 media interacted from hosting media events or interviews by Group Member Companies; topic mainly focused on updates for Group’s business operations and the progress of ongoing projects
  • During 1Q-3Q 2024, CHC Group members accumulated a total of 10,030 media exposures. As of the end of September, the official website of CHC Group members had reached a total of 470,011 visits; a total of 42,229 followers on social media, with bi-weekly interactions with followers



Community Service, Environmental Protection and Ecological Conservation

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Hold at least 1 public briefing during environmental impact assessment evaluations
  • Hold construction milestone ceremonies, site visits, and briefing, and participate in community services activities on an irregular basis
  • Provide environmental and ecological education and maintain interactions with local residents through educational centers within operating sites


Mr. Hsiang Hsi Wang, AVP (CEC)

Ms. Judy Lee, AVP (CDC)

Ms. Annie Shih, Manager (HDEC)

2024 Major Engagement Activities

  • Educational centers owned by Environmental Project Development and Water Treatment Business had held 120 environmental education sessions, with nearly 3,345 people participated