
Corporate Sustainability

With integrity and responsibility, CHC utilizes its core competencies and resource to practice ESG works such as corporate governance, talent development, and community engagement while pursuing revenue and profit growth. In response to potential risks and opportunities arising from ESG-related factors, we continue to foster sustainable operations and corporate governance by implementing sound risk management practices and harnessing new opportunities. We also remain committed to creating value and driving positive change to meet stakeholder expectations.


Implement sustainable development

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Strategy, Objectives and Performance

Establish sustainable strategies and objectives

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Stakeholder Engagement

Build diverse and convenient communication channels

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ESG Committee

The ESG Committee is the highest ESG governance unit of the CHC Group. Chaired by the CEO of CHC, the committee is composed of the senior management of the three business sectors and the heads of CHC’s functional units. The committee is also made up of members with diverse cultures, backgrounds, expertise, and experiences. The committee identify risks and opportunities on the three aspects of environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) according to materiality principle each year, and convene meetings regularly to discuss and formulate sustainable development strategies. The committee examines short-to-long term ESG objects and goals, and assesses ESG performance for current-year plan to promote sustainable development for CHC Group. Supervised by the Board of Directors, the ESG Committee reports the implementation progress of the Group's ESG initiatives to the Board every quarter. In 2022, the ESG Committee reported the latest regulatory trends and the Group’s response plans as well as planning and implementation progress of greenhouse gas inventories and verification to the Board on March 15, May 3, August 2, and November 1, respectively.

ESG Committee Structure

Major Efforts of ESG Committee in 2022

CHC Group determines its material topics by following the four steps in accordance with the GRI Universal Standards, namely “understand the organization’s context, identify impacts, assess the significance of the impacts, and review and approve the material topics.” Through analyzing domestic and foreign construction engineering, real estate development, and environmental project development & water treatment related industries as well as the sustainability concerns of stakeholders, the Group performs risk assessments to identify positive and negative impacts and determines the list of material topics for the year. Then, the ESG Committee reviews and approves the list of material topics as well as formulates corresponding risk management strategies and action plans.

The boundary of risk assessment encompasses CHC and its three business sectors, namely Continental Engineering Corporation (CEC), Continental Development Corporation (CDC), and HDEC Corporation (HDEC). In 2022, a total of 20 sustainability issues were identified, and 9 material sustainability topics were determined. In terms of climate risk management, in accordance with the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Group continuously monitors and manages climate risks and opportunities by identifying the short-term, medium-term, and long-term impacts of various climate-related risks on the operations, strategies, and finances of its business sectors as well as drawing up corresponding measures such as climate change mitigation and adaptation actions. In terms of corporate risk management, the Group has identified key issues for 2022, including response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic, response measures to rising raw material costs and workforce shortages, compliance with ESG regulations, and changes in the real estate market, effectively identifying, evaluating, and managing the risks and opportunities of the Group.

The analysis results of the material topics in 2022 are as follows. For the analysis results of material climate risks, the management of climate risks and opportunities, and other risk control strategies and implementation in 2022, please refer to CHC’s Sustainability Report.

Sustainable Governance Results

CHC Group formulates ESG plans, integrates ESG considerations into daily operations and decision-making processes, and strives for sustainable practices such as corporate governance, environmental sustainability, talent cultivation, and social engagement, implementing CHC Group’s commitment to sustainable governance. The Group’s sustainable governance results in 2022 are as follows:

Governance Economy

  • The percentage of female members on the Board of Directors was 43%, which was much higher than the percentage of female directors of all public offering companies in Taiwan (15.8%).
  • The performance evaluation of the Board of Directors was rated as “Benchmark” by a third-party organization, indicating not only that its performance was better than the requirements of the competent authority and relevant regulations, but also that its practices served as a benchmark.
  • In 2022, the signing rates of the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Questionnaire and Statement for directors, the Business Ethics Compliance Commitment Statement for employees, as well as the business ethics statement and the conflict of interest questionnaire for newly contracted suppliers were all 100%.
  • In 2022, 100% of the Group’s employees participated in the ethical management education and training.
  • CDC entered the field of public housing for the first time, and participated in the public-led urban renewal project of the Taipei Children’s Welfare Center.
  • HDEC won the project of renewing the Cheng-Xi incineration plant in Tainan City, officially entering the business of incinerators and renewable energy.
  • In 2022, CHC added a new category of award for suppliers with outstanding performance in the occupational safety area, which was given to one supplier.
  • In 2022, the local procurement ratio for the Group was 99.16%, an increase of 4.6% from the previous year.

Environmental Sustainability

  • The Group’s headquarter building and the Anping Water Recycling Center obtained the ISO 14064-1:2018 greenhouse gas verification statement, which were verified by SGS.
  • In 2022, the Group’s energy-saving and carbon-reduction actions reduced a total of 789.32 metric tons of CO2e, a growth rate of 59%.
  • In 2022, the Group’s biogas reuse increased by 105% compared with the previous year, which was equivalent to 2,530,074 kWh of electricity.
  • In 2022, the Group reduced a total of 3,492.14 tons of sludge, a growth rate of 35%.
  • In 2022, the Group’s water consumption per NT$1 million in revenue was 7.15 m3, a decrease of 14%.
  • In 2022, the Group’s total wastewater treatment volume was 118,689,512 metric tons, an increase of nearly 20% compared with the previous year; the reclaimed water supply was 26,485,713 metric tons, an increase of 83%.

Social Inclusion

  • A total of 222 community activities were held with a total investment of more than NT$6.58 million and 8,098 hours of manpower.
  • In 2022, environmental education sessions served 1,829 persons, achieving the goal of holding at least 69 environmental education sessions.
  • CEC, CDC, and HDEC passed the Healthy Workplace Certification of the Health Promotion Administration (HPA) of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW).
  • CEC successfully developed the Construction Elevator Floor Display System, Automatic Sensor-Linked Warning Light for Enclosed Construction Areas, and Thermal Hazard Notifier to assist in construction management through technology.
  • In 2022, the reinstatement rate of employees with childcare leave without pay was 120%.
  • In 2022, the number of education and training hours was about 21.14 hours per person for males and about 24.24 hours per person for females. The distribution of learning resources was the same for everyone regardless of gender or job level.
  • In 2022, 24 persons with disabilities were employed, accounting for 1.1% of all employees, which was higher than the statutory requirement of 20 persons.

Strategy, Objectives and Performance

Sustainable Development Strategy

CHC Group is committed to leveraging its core capabilities and resources with integrity and responsibility. While pursuing revenue and profit growth, the Group continues to review its development goals on environmental, social, and governance area. Through the "Focus on Major Topics, Promotion from Top to Bottom" action policy, the Group improves its risk management mechanism and specific evaluation indicators, and sets up the sustainable development action plan and promotion goals. The goals are incorporated into daily management and tracked for improvements to fulfill the Group’s commitments, in order to continue to create positive value and exert positive influence. Meanwhile, CHC Group regularly discloses the status and achievements of its sustainable development goals, in order for stakeholders to understand the ESG-related efforts and investment from CHC Group.

Sustainability Goals and Performance

Management Strategy/
Implementation Policy
Evaluation Mechanism
Goals Set for 2022
Achievements in 2022
Short-to-Mid Term Goals
  • Up-to-date financial risk

assessment are conducted

monthly to ensure that the

company’s operating and

economic performance

goals are achieved

  • Monthly performance

reports related to financial

risk assessment are

presented and discussed at

the high-level management


  • Achieve annual operating


  • The consolidated revenue

in 2022 was NT$32,146 million,

the consolidated operating profit

was NT$3,258 million, the

consolidated net profit was

NT$2,888 million and EPS came

to NT$3.51, a 58.16% year-over-

year increase.

  • Achieve annual operating



  • Audit Committee and

Remuneration Committee

are set up under the Board

of Directors to assist the

Board in performing their

duties and supervisory



  • Protect shareholders’

rights and interests with

transparent information



  • Set various corporate


standard operating

procedures(SOPs) for

compliance purposes

  • Independent audit unit

are set up and supervises

the Group’s various

operating activities using

internal audit code


  • Conduct annual

evaluation regarding

Board performance to

improve corporate

governance effectiveness

  • Continue with

transparent disclosure of

information and strengthen

communication and interaction

with stakeholders


  • 100% of Group

employees to sign Compliance

Commitment Statement


  • 100% of Group

employees to participate in

Business Ethics courses


  • 100% of the newly

contracted suppliers in the year

to sign the business ethics

statement and the conflict of

interest questionnaire


  •  Improve risk control
  • Stakeholder

communication efforts were

reported to the Board on

December 16th, 2022


  • 100% of Group employees

signed Compliance Commitment

Statement in 2022


  • 100% of the Group’s

employees participated in the

ethical management education

and training this year.


  • 100% of the newly

contracted suppliers this year

signed the business ethics

statement and the conflict of

interest questionnaire.


  • The Group had no

information security incidents

this year.


  • Continue with

transparent disclosure of

information and strengthen

communication and interaction

with stakeholders


  • 100% of Group

employees to sign Compliance

Commitment Statement each



  • 100% of Group

employees to participate in

Business Ethics courses


  • 100% of the newly

contracted suppliers each year

to sign the business ethics

statement and the conflict of

interest questionnaire


  • Improve risk control


  • Treat all stakeholders

with integrity and honesty,

as well as comply with the

law and uphold the principle

of fair competition. Require

employees to treat the

company’s customers,

competitors, and other

workers with fairness


  • For matters related to

the provisions of laws

and regulations, Legal

Department shall

research and provide


according to laws and

regulations, and shall

consult external legal

advisers when necessary


  • The constructions or

real estate projects should

pass the environmental

impact assessment

according to laws and

regulations, and are

executed as planned

  • Supervision is

performed by the

competent authority and

other law enforcement

units in accordance with

the law


  • Each company unit

reports violations to the

Legal Department for

compilation, and later

conduct statistics and

evaluations of violations


  • Major violation cases: 0
  • The Group received no

penalties or violations of laws

or regulations related to marketing

communications, information

and labeling, customer safety,

or customer privacy. Penalties

were incurred for 26 cases

involving occupational safety and

waste, with a total fine of

NT$3,316,800, none of which

met criteria for major violations.

The main reason for the violations

was flaws in protective measures

and maintenance of the operating

environment, all of which have

been corrected.

  • Major violation cases: 0
and Service
Health and
  • Continue to provide

high-quality residential

products, as well as to

enhance building materials

and equipment for a living

space that is healthy and



  •  Increase the adoption

rate of green building

materials in order to

implement design goals for

green building materials


  • Focus on environmental

protection and energy

saving, and improve the

energy efficiency of buildings

with green buildings and

smart residential houses


  • Residential products are

equipped with electric vehicle

charging systems to promote

the symbiosis, co-prosperity

and sustainable development

of people, architecture, and

the environment


  • Expand the use of BIM

technology in the project life

cycle to ensure the

implementation of product

design and improve

construction service efficiency

  •  Review the proportion

of applications for Green

Building Candidate Certificate

or those obtaining Green

Building Label each year


  • Check the number of

certified products, including

but not limited to green

buildings, smart buildings,

structure accreditation building,

and barrier-free residential

accreditation etc.


  • Regularly review the

proportion of green building

materials used by the project


  • Examine BIM technology

implementation status during

building design and

construction stage

  •  100% of building permit

applies for Green Building

Candidate Certificates


  • At least 1 real estate

development project acquires

Smart Building Candidate

Certificate each year


  • For projects obtained

building permit this year with

lot size more than 1,653m2,

electric vehicle charging systems

shall be installed in public

parking spaces, and wiring

space for charging station shall

be reserved in the remaining

parking spaces for the

convenience of customers who

wish to install the cables

according to various brands of

electric vehicles


  • The actual percentage

of green building materials

used by the project meets the

commitment of the building

permit application


  • At least 1 building

planning and design project is

designed using BIM technology

  •  2 Green Building

Candidate Certificates were

acquired this year, with an

achievement rate of 88%. A total

of 6 Green Building Candidate

Certificates and 1 Green Building

Label have been acquired so far,

and the coverage rate of green

building projects has reached



  • The Sensuous Garden

(鐫萃) project acquired the

silver-level Smart Building

Candidate Certificate this year,

with an achievement rate of 100%.


  • The achievement rate of

electric vehicle charging systems

and wiring space this year was



  • For all construction

projects in progress this year, the

percentage of indoor and outdoor

green building materials used

exceeded the percentage

commitment indicated on the

building permit application, with

an achievement rate of 100%.


  • The Group continued to

use BIM technology in

architectural design as well

as construction planning and

review, and the application

covered different types of projects

such as civil engineering and

building construction.

  • 100% of building permit

applies for Green Building

Candidate Certificates


  • At least 1 real estate

development project acquires

Smart Building Candidate

Certificate each year


  • For projects obtained

building permit each year with

lot size more than 1,653m2,

electric vehicle charging systems

shall be installed in public

parking spaces, and wiring

space for charging station shall

be reserved in the remaining

parking spaces for the

convenience of customers who

wish to install the cables

according to various brands of

electric vehicles


  • The actual percentage

of green building materials

used for individual projects

conforms to the percentage

commitment indicated on the

building permit application.

From 2023 onwards, the

percentage of indoor and

outdoor green building materials

used for new projects each year

is higher than the statutory



  • All building planning and

design projects are designed

using BIM technology.

  • Perform regular

satisfaction surveys on

construction, handover, and



  • Establish customer

interactive groups to develop

customer satisfaction

standards, and design


  • Satisfaction survey

results and tracking

  •  Level of satisfaction

regarding handovers: the

company’s actual performance

is better than customer’s



  • Level of satisfaction

on maintenance: satisfaction >

4 points (out of 5 points)


  • Level of satisfaction

on construction: client NPS > 10

  • Level of satisfaction

regarding handovers: average

achievement rate of 99.2%


  • Level of satisfaction on

maintenance: 4.72 points on



  • Level of satisfaction on

construction: client NPS of 76

  • Level of satisfaction

regarding handovers: the

company’s actual performance

is better than customer’s



  • Level of satisfaction

on maintenance: satisfaction >

4.1 points (out of 5 points)


  • Level of satisfaction

on construction: client NPS > 30

  • Perform regular sales

satisfaction surveys


  • Adhere to the ethical

business practice, the Group

provides customers with

products and services that

comply with laws and

regulations and are

transparently labeled

  • Satisfaction survey

results and tracking


  • Regularly check whether

any complaints related to

marketing and labeling have

been received


  • Regularly review the major

penalties related to marketing

and communications

  • Level of satisfaction on

sales: the company’s actual

performance is better than

customer’s expectations


  • The pre-sale

advertisements, architectural

models, and model houses are

100% double-checked by the

project manager and legal

personnel before launch

  • Level of satisfaction on

sales: Average achievement rate

of 106.2%


  • Achievement rate of 100%

as pre-sale advertisements,

architectural models, and model

houses are 100% double-checked

by the project manager and legal

personnel before launch

  • Level of satisfaction on

sales : the company’s actual

performance is better than

customer’s expectations


  • The pre-sale

advertisements, architectural

models, and model houses are

100% double-checked by the

project manager and legal

personnel before launch

Equality, and 
  • Design a diversified

welfare system and practice

the core value of caring for



  • Provide a salary plan

that is internally fair and

market competitive


  • Promote the diversity,

equality, and inclusion

within the organization,

and strengthen the

understanding and respect

for gender equality and

different generations

  • Conduct employee

satisfaction surveys annually,

and set up improvement plans



  • Conduct regular salary

market surveys to respond to

changes in the external labor

market in a timely manner


  • Annual feedback on

the diversity, equality, and

inclusion week events

  • Employee satisfaction

survey response rate is over



  • Organize the “Diversity,

Equality and Inclusion Week”



  • Conduct salary and

welfare market surveys and

competitive analysis


  • Implement employee

recognition program


  • 100% participation rate

for employee group insurance

  •  The employee satisfaction

survey response rate was 92% in

2022, 4 percentage points higher

than last year


  • Completed the “Diversity,

Equality and Inclusion Week”



  • Completed salary market

survey and competitive analysis


  • Implemented employee

recognition program


  • 100% participation rate

for employee group insurance

  • Employee satisfaction

survey response rate is over



  • Organize the “Diversity,

Equality and Inclusion Week”

events annually


  • Conduct salary and

welfare market surveys and

competitive analysis annually


  • Implement employee

recognition program annually


  • 100% participation rate

for employee group insurance

  • Develop multiple

recruitment channels,

organize in-person/on-line

recruitment activities, and

recruit outstanding new



  • Encourage young

students to develop practical

skills and enhance

employment competitiveness

through university

collaboration and talent

development programs


  • Provide a variety of

courses and resources

through a digital learning

management platform and

create learning channels for

internal experience and

knowledge transfer


  • Establish a creative

and flexible learning

environment, support and

encourage the growth and

development of every

employee, and provide and

maintain equal opportunities

for employees


  • Promote cross-team

learning mechanism to

cultivate, explore, and retain

talents with potential

  • The number of student

internship opportunities

provided and the number of

scholarship winners each year


  • Regularly review the

frequency of platform usage,

the number/quality of courses

offered, and the popularity

of the courses, as well as

consider the employees’

feedback on the platform

functions and courses


  • Review the

implementation of the mentor

program and the Young

Engineers Conference annually

to understand the quality and

commitment of cross-team


  • Provide 7 prizes for

the Young Talents Scholarship


  • Provide 37 student



  • A total of 1,000 courses

within online learning platform


  • Achievement rate of

more than 72% for annual

training program


  • 15 matches for mentors

and trainees within the mentor



  • Continuous operation

of the Young Engineers

Conference, and complete

annual plan

  • 8 people awarded the

Young Talent Scholarship


  • Provided 62 student

internship opportunities


  • A total of 1,120 courses

within online learning platform


  • Achievement rate of more

than 92% for this year’s training



  • Completed 15 matches

for mentors and trainees within

the mentor program


  • Achievement rate of

100% for the Young Engineers

Conference, with 60% attendance

rate and 90% satisfaction rate for


  • Provide 10 prizes for

the Young Talents Scholarship


  • Provide 40 student



  • A total of 1,200 courses

within online learning platform


  • Achievement rate of

more than 75% for annual

training program


  • 20 matches for mentors

and trainees within the mentor



  • Continuous operation

of the Young Engineers

Conference, and complete

annual plan

Health and 
Safety *
  • Develop IT application

tools to strengthen the health

and safety management of

the workplace


  • Improve the

convenience of individual’s

health management

through the health

information management



  • Establish a road map

for physical and mental

balance development, and

develop employees’ physical

and mental balance

assistance programs, to

promote the physical and

mental balance of employees


  • Maintain the

certification of the ISO 45001

occupational safety and

health management

system, and continue to

optimize the intensity of

on-site safety and health



  • Organize safety and

health promotion activities

regularly to strengthen the

workers’ safety awareness

and increase their

adaptability in the

construction environment


  • Promote the safety

culture program and integrate

safety into management

practices by strengthening

the leadership of senior

managers, enhancing the

safety and health

management of contractors,

improving the safety and

health management

capabilities of mid-level

managers, and encouraging 

the participation of all

employees in the program

  • Establish safety and

health performance

measurement standards,

including goals such as the

frequency of disabling injuries,

safety commitments from

supervisors, and OHS

awareness for all employees


  • Whether there are any

incidents that may interrupt



  • ISO/CNS 45001 validity
  • Inspections by

supervisors of construction

units ≥ 4.6 times


  • Implement the employee

support program


  • Average improvement

on flaws ≥ 3 times


  • Disabling Injury

Frequency Rate (DIFR): ≤ 0.78


  • Maintain the validity

of ISO/CNS 45001 certification


  • Develop 1 OHS

technology management

equipment or technique

  • Inspections by supervisors

of construction units: CEC = 6.5

times, HDEC = 4.7 times


  • Implemented the employee

support program


  • Average improvement on

flaws ≥ 9.09 times


  • In 2022, the disability injury

frequency rate (DIFR) of the

Group’s employees was 0.21, and

the total disability injury

frequency rate (DIFR) including

non-employees was 0.64.


  • ISO/CNS 45001:2018

certification remained valid

in 2022


  • Successfully developed 3

OHS technology management

equipment – Construction

Elevator Floor Display System,

Automatic Sensor-Linked Warning

Light for Enclosed Construction

Areas, and Thermal Hazard


  • Inspections by

supervisors of construction

units ≥ 4.9 times


  • Implement the employee

support program each year


  • Average improvement

on flaws ≥ 5 times


  • Disabling Injury

Frequency Rate (DIFR): ≤ 0.72


  • Maintain the validity

of ISO/CNS 45001 certification


  • Develop 1 OHS

technology management

equipment or technique each


  • Replace and upgrade

equipment to improve energy



  • Actively optimize the

energy-saving operational

mode of the operating plant


  • Prioritize the purchase

of high energy-consuming

equipment with frequency

conversion control


  • Evaluate the investment

in renewable energy related



  • Evaluate the biogas

power generation and reuse



  • Introduce product carbon

footprint inventory


  • Introduce an energy

management system and

evaluate the feasibility of the



  • Develop the Group’s

carbon management strategies

and action plans

  • Regularly monitor energy

usage, track and improve

energy efficiency


  • Regularly review the

effectiveness of the reduction

in electricity consumption for

wastewater treatment and

reclaimed water treatment


  • Regularly monitor the

biogas production


  • Regularly track the

implementation progress of

biogas power generation and

biogas reuse plans


  • Regularly review

equipment energy efficiency

and track improvements


  • Regularly calculate the

production and usage of

renewable energy


  • Regularly track the

implementation of the Group’s

carbon management action


  • Each water resource

center achieves biogas

production and reuse annual



  • Each water resource

center achieves the annual

target of electricity consumption

per unit of wastewater treatment


  • Each water resource

center achieves the annual

target of electricity consumption

per unit of reclaimed water



  • Calculate the energy use

intensity (EUI) of the work

stations and establish electricity

consumption benchmarks and

improvement plans


  • Establish set-up

requirements for energy-saving

work stations and conduct

testing and performance

verification on new projects


  • Develop plans for

greenhouse gas inventories

and verification and establish

a greenhouse gas emission

reporting mechanism in

accordance with the

ISO 14064-1:2018 standard

  •  Each water resource center

achieved the 2022 target of biogas

production, and the Group’s

achievement rate was 162.49%;

the Group’s biogas reuse rate was

59.32%, which translates into an

achievement rate of 144.78%.


  • Each water resource center

achieved the 2022 target of

electricity consumption per unit

of wastewater treatment. The

Group’s electricity consumption

per unit of wastewater treatment

was 0.32 kWh/metric ton.


  • The Group’s electricity

consumption per unit of

reclaimed water treatment was

0.57 kWh/metric ton. Among all

water resource centers, the Linhai

Water Resource Center failed to

meet the 2022 target due to the

poor influent water quality

affecting the reclaimed water

treatment process.


  • Electricity consumption

benchmarks for the energy use

intensity (EUI) of the work

stations were established, and

tracking and improvement

systems were implemented.


  • 2 energy-saving work

stations were established, and the

implementation plan for the real-

time electricity consumption

monitoring system was launched.


  • The Group’s headquarter

building and the Anping Water

Recycling Center obtained the

ISO 14064-1:2018 greenhouse

gas verification statement, which

were verified by SGS..

  • Each water resource

center achieves biogas

production and reuse annual

target each year


  • Each water resource

center achieves the annual

target of electricity consumption

per unit of wastewater treatment


  • Each water resource

center achieves the annual

target of electricity consumption

per unit of reclaimed water



  • Each work station

implements an annual energy-

saving plan and establishes

reduction targets for the coming



  • Continue to conduct the

performance verification as well

as review and adjust the

construction standards for

energy-saving work stations


  • Complete the annual

greenhouse gas inventory and

continue to improve the

greenhouse gas emission

management mechanism in

accordance with the

ISO 14064-1:2018 standard

Economy and
  • Apply formwork system

construction method to

optimize the construction

process, improve the

efficiency of resource

utilization, and reduce

the negative impact towards



  • Introduce circular

economy architectural design

techniques and flexible

modularization, showcasing

the recycling of materials

from redesign to operation

and maintenance


  • Promote green

procurement and green

product innovation


  • Promote waste

classification, recycling, and

reduction actions


  • Use technology to

develop and design a low-

consumption, high- efficiency

operation model


  • Use the best available

technology to treat Taiwan’s

domestic and industrial

wastewater to promote

sustainable usage for water



  • Develop reclaimed

water recycling schemes to

improve water use efficiency

  • Regularly review the

adoption rate of formwork



  • Regularly review the

performance of waste reduction


  • Review the annual green

procurement implementation



  • Review the status and

effectiveness of certification on

each project, including but not

limited to BS 8001 circular

economy certification,

environmental labels, etc.

(special indicator)


  • Review the scale of

circular economy by project

(special indicator)


  • Regularly inspect the

ammonia nitrogen treatment

efficiency in effluent treatment

and reclaimed water processes


  • Regularly review the

recycling rate of reclaimed


  •  The adoption rate of

formwork system for civil

engineering projects meets

annual target


  • Each water resource

center meets the sludge

reduction annual target


  • Each water resource

center meets the wastewater

ammonia nitrogen treatment

annual target


  • Each water resource

center meets the recycling rate

of reclaimed water annual



  • Collect the baseline values

of waste generated by the work

stations and establish waste

management standards and

reduction targets

  • The adoption rate of

formwork system for civil

engineering projects met the 2022



  • The Group’s sludge

reduction totaled 3,492.14 metric

tons, with an achievement rate of

94%. Among all water resource

centers, the Fengshan Water

Resource Center failed to meet

the annual target due to

equipment malfunction.


  • Each water resource

center met the 2022 target of

wastewater ammonia nitrogen



  • The Group’s recycling

rate of reclaimed water was 34%

in 2022. As the Anping Reclaimed

Water Plant was still under

construction, it failed to meet the

annual target due to limited

availability of reclaimed water.


  • The data of waste

generated at the demonstration

work station were collected to

analyze and interpret the baseline


  • The adoption rate of

formwork system for

construction projects meets the

annual target.


  • Each water resource

center meets the sludge

reduction annual target


  • Each water resource

center meets the wastewater

ammonia nitrogen treatment

annual target


  • Each water resource

center meets the recycling rate

of reclaimed water annual



  • Each water resource

center meets the annual targets

for reclaimed water supply

volume and reclaimed water

system recovery rate


  • Analyze and establish

waste management standards

and reduction targets

  • Actively participate in

community care and establish

a good channel for community



  • Organize site visits and

exchange engineering

experience and technical

know- how with industry peers,

authorities, and academia


  • Hold briefing sessions

to allow nearby residents to

understand the situation

regarding construction and

supporting measures


  • Promote community

service plans and encourage

employee participation

  • Establish a record of

related activities, keep track of

the input and output and

feedback, and regularly review

the implementation results

  • Continue to promote

and enhance local care,

implement annual community

participation plan, and review

the results from the previous



  • Participate in adoption

of sidewalks around the

Group’s projects

  • A total of 222 community

activities were held, with a

cumulative investment of over

NT$ 6.58 million dollars and

8,098 hours of manpower.


  • Adopted 1 sidewalk in

2022, with achievement rate of

100%; As of end of 2022, the

Group adopted 3 sidewalks


  • Continue to promote

and enhance local care,

implement annual community

participation plan, and review

the results from the previous



  • Participate in adoption

of sidewalks around the

Group’s projects

  • Promote environmental

education and certification

for environmental educational

facilities, incorporate the

concept of water resources

protection into local education

  • Count the number of

environmental education

sessions and the number of

visitors, collect feedback from

the event to plan/ adjust the

content of the event accordingly

  • Plan for the Linhai

Water Resource Center to pass

the Environmental Education

Facility Certification


  • Hold a total of at least

69 events related to

environmental education

  • The planning for the

Linhai Water Resource Center to

pass the Environmental Education

Facility Certification was

completed, and the certification

application process started.


  • The Group hosted 101

sessions of environmental

education activities in 2022

  • Continue to promote

the Environmental Education

Facility Certification for water

resource centers


  • Hold a total of at least

65 events related to

environmental education

Note: * is Material Topics for CHC Group in 2022

Stakeholder Engagement

2023 engagement activities are reported to the board on December 15th, 2023, with the following summary:

Shareholders/ Creditors/ Financial Institutions/ Investment Institutions


Sustainability Strategy, Corporate Governance, Financial Performance, Risk Management, Information Disclosure

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Convene general shareholder’s meeting annually
  • Publish annual report, sustainability report, and quarterly results report on time
  • Host quarterly results online conference call and participate in invited corporate briefings on an irregular basis
  • Publish monthly revenue result press release and quarterly result press release
  • Interact with investors through phone calls, emails, and/or meetings on an irregular basis
  • Participate in ESG performance evaluations from domestic and international rating agencies


Ms. Cindy Chang, CEO

2023 Major Engagement Activities

  • Convened 1 AGM and 6 investor meetings (includes invited sessions)
  • Published around 110 material information and nearly 25 press releases
  • Participated in 4 ESG performance evaluations



Labor Relations and Benefits, Workplace Safety, Career Development and Training

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Hold labor relation meetings on quarterly basis to enhance employee-employer relations and to protect labor rights
  • Setup diversified communication channels to provide employees with a transparent internal voice communication system
  • Arrange Occupational Health and Safety training and construction worksite visits to create safety awareness within worksites
  • Comprehensive talent development plan; Introduce online learning platform (iLearn) for learning without time and/or location restrictions
  • Conduct employee engagement survey annually and employee interviews on an irregular basis


Ms. Louise Cheng, AVP

2023 Major Engagement Activities

  • Retrieved 91% of sent employee engagement survey
  • Held various events such as Consensus Camps, Birthday Celebration, and Team Building Sessions, and implement Employee Engagement Plan and Employee Assistant Plan to maintain interaction and communication between Group employees
  • Conducted a series of courses on crisis management and stakeholder communication to enhance employees’ crisis management and response capabilities

Clients/ Consumers


Quality and Safety of Products and Services, Personal Information Protection, Marketing and Labeling

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Satisfaction survey and after-sales services
    • Conduct satisfaction survey for contractors
    • Conduct satisfaction survey at contract signing, handovers, and maintenance for home-buying customers
  • Conduct house inspections and hold product and service seminars on an irregular basis
  • Present the project progress to the clients through meetings


Mr. Hsiang Hsi Wang, AVP (CEC)

Ms. Judy Lee, AVP (CDC)

Ms. Annie Shih, Manager (HDEC)

2023 Major Engagement Activities

  • Completed satisfaction survey and interview for contractors, covering civil, building, M&E of Construction Engineering Business and projects of Environmental Project Development and Water Treatment Business
  • Completed satisfaction survey for home-buying customers, including projects for sale, handovers, and after-sales services this year
  • Held community events featuring themes such as tea art, coffee, art, and building design for clients and their friends and family; a total of 135 people participated

Suppliers/ Sub-Contractors


Supplier Evaluation Standard, Safe and Healthy Work Environment, Business Ethics and Integrity

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Hold education training and advocacy events on a regular basis
  • Conduct site visits, phone interviews, and written communications on an irregular basis
  • Hold seminars for suppliers on an irregular basis


Mr. Robin Chien, AVP (CEC)

Ms. Lily Lin, Manager (HDEC)

2023 Major Engagement Activities

  • Completed annual supplier assessment evaluation
  • Held excellence supplier evaluation event
  • Held information sessions and actively communicate Occupational Health and Safety issues with suppliers

Government Authorities


Workplace Safety, Regulatory Compliance, Product Risks

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • File petitions through associations for authorities’ consideration
  • Actively participate in authorities-hosted meetings and evaluations


Mr. Hsiang Hsi Wang, AVP (CEC)

Ms. Judy Lee, AVP (CDC)

Ms. Annie Shih, Manager (HDEC)

2023 Major Engagement Activities

  • Group member companies joined a total of 40 associations
  • Actively participated and exchanged opinions during authorities-held meetings
  • Construction Engineering Business (CEC) has been selected as OHS SDGs Leading Corporate by Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor, and has been invited to share practices in promoting workplace safety and health for employees



Major Business and/or Financial Updates

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Hold at least 1 press conference or media gatherings per year
  • Arrange media interviews and provide relevant information on an irregular basis


Mr. John Yeh, AVP

2023 Major Engagement Activities

  • 88 media interacted from holding media events or interviews by Group Member Companies; topic mainly focused on updates for Group business operations, wellbeing initiatives, and building design highlights
  • During 1Q-3Q 2023, a total of 7,628 media exposure counts towards CHC Group members, and a total of 24,023 media exposure counts towards ongoing projects
  • As of the end of September, the official website of CHC Group has reached a total of 2,044,595 visits; a total of 33,824 followers on social media, with bi-weekly interactions with followers



Community Service, Environmental Protection and Ecological Conservation

Engagement Type and Frequency

  • Hold at least 1 open information session during environment assessment evaluation
  • Hold construction milestone events, site visits, and information sessions, and participate in community services activities on an irregular basis
  • Provide environmental and ecological education and maintain interactions with local residents through educational centers within operating sites


Mr. Hsiang Hsi Wang, AVP (CEC)

Ms. Judy Lee, AVP (CDC)

Ms. Annie Shih, Manager (HDEC)

2023 Major Engagement Activities

  • Educational centers owned by Environmental Project Development and Water Treatment Business had held 85 environmental education sessions during 1Q-3Q 2023, with nearly 2,700 people participated